Eric Gonzalo
QA Engineer++ @ Procore
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- Download Resume (PDF)
Airy Musings
| wherever and whenever.| This website!
| 2011 - Present
| HTML, CSS, Javascript, Wordpress, AWS EC2, Jekyll
| Home| A quick site to help inform our Minecraft server's users. Displays all the relevant information pretaining to joining our server and other useful information. Also used Node.js to create scripts to automate generating files and to back up our server.
| 2014 - Present
| HTML, CSS, Wordpress, Node.js, Jekyll
| Fullstack Academy of Code| Final Project
| March 2015 - April 2015
| HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, MongoDB, Express, Angular.js, Node.js, Eventbrite API, Foursquare API
Ongaku Player/音楽プレーヤー
| Fullstack Academy of Code| Done within a week during the Personal Hackathon. Used the Web Audio API and Angular to play music files from local computer. Used Google Material Design as inspiration for the music player.
| March 2015
| HTML, CSS, Angular.js, jQuery
Stackations unLtd.
| Fullstack Academy of Code| First major group project that required building an e-commerce website that sold fictional vacations.
| March 2015
| HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, MongoDB, Express, Angular.js, Node.js
Various Excel Applications
| New York Department of Transportation| Mini-projects using Visual Basic to make daily repetitive tasks much easier.
| January 2014 - January 2015
| Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, SQL
Ascend Baruch
| Baruch College| Built upon Wix as the third iteration to save money and make it easier to manage for our organization. Each successive website is passed down to the next Ascend VP of Technology at Baruch.
| February 2012 - July 2013
| HTML, CSS, Wordpress, In-browser Wix Editor
Marketers of Baruch
| CUNY Baruch College| The first website created during my CIS 3630 [Principles of Web Design] class in Baruch. Originally wanted to redo website for organization because the first website looked less appealing and uninformative. Made from scratch using Dreamweaver and Photoshop.
| December 2012
| HTML, CSS, Adobe Dreamweaver
Technical Skills
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Angular.js (1.5)
- Git
- Wordpress
- Node.js
- Express
- Gulp
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Visual Basic
- RESTful APIs
- UML(Unified Modeling Language)
- Unix
- Adobe Photoshop
- C++
- ionic framework
- Jasmine
- Grunt
- Angular.js (2.0)
- Canvas API
- Jenkins
- Heroku